Let’s face it; nobody enjoys being stuck in a seemingly endless traffic jam. The morning and evening rush hour in and around Belfair can cause rather lengthy tailbacks. A never ending stream of cars ahead and no immediate sign of movement can muster feelings of frustration, boredom and despair. Be it as a solo occupant or with friends and family there is that ominous feeling of having absolutely nothing to do. However there are lots of things to do to occupy the mind in such situations.
If you’re flying solo why not play a guessing game using your fellow “jam-ee’s” as the subject? Simply pick your victim and try to determine their ages and what profession they are in. A person’s car is often a very good yardstick when evaluating these things. Sadly, a definitive answer or result is not possible in this task without lowering ones window and shouting bizarre questions to random strangers. Please note, we do not recommend this type of irregular behaviour to any driver! After all victims have been suitably labelled why not increase your vocabulary by using the letters on a car’s licence plate to form a word? The longer the word, the higher the achievement! A-S-M? Antidisestablishmentarianism. Beat that!
I think we would all agree however that the most difficult situations arise when young children are the passengers in a car stuck in a traffic jam; particularly if it’s for any significant length of time. Fear not, there are also solutions to this tricky situation. Why not use the time as an opportunity for a bit of extra education? Challenge them to recite the alphabet backwards, test them on their multiplication tables or conduct your very own spelling tournament. Fun and education is time well spent. If your young passengers are being a little too noisy for your liking challenge them to see how long they can stay quiet for with the winner receiving a prize or treat; always a good tip at the onset of a headache or migraine.
Next time you are stuck in a traffic jam why don’t you try some of these techniques and take the frustration out of the situation, sit back and relax. Try to remember that although you may have been stuck in traffic for way too long, it is better to reach your destination safely rather than committing a traffic offense trying to make up lost time.
It is very easy to drive that little bit faster, or take an unlawful short cut trying to regain the time spent stuck in a traffic jam. Don’t do it or you may require the services of a Traffic Offense Attorney in Belfair.
Tim Kelly, Attorney at Law, specialist traffic offense attorney in Belfair, Silverdale, Bremerton and Port Orchard. For more information call 360-443-4420 or visit www.timkellylaw.com.