Published Articles

It is not Embarrassing to need a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer

A potentially embarrassing time may arise in your life, when you have to set things back in order. This possibly red-faced time in your life is when you bottom out financially. That is, you end up having to file for bankruptcy. While it may have all the signs of something to be ashamed of, the...

Get Help With Your Questions About Child Support in Washington Indiana

When parents choose to separate, the financial support of their children often needs to be resolved through the court. Custodial parents typically prefer to have a court order for child support so they can count on getting the money every month. This can help a parent plan their budget and ensure...

Should I File for SSI and SSDI?

Every year, many Americans file for SSI or SSDI after becoming disabled. However, it can be difficult to decide whether or not to apply, as you may not be sure if you qualify. You should ask yourself these five questions, and consult your disability lawyer in Cleveland, Ohio, to determine what you...

Reasons You May Need to Hire a Probation Violation Lawyer in Philly

When you become involved in the legal system, you have encountered a stressful, expensive and confusing situation. When the outcome of your legal battle results in you receiving a probation sentence, the situation becomes more expensive and can be quite exhausting. While completing your probation...