If you are going through the process of having your social security disability insurance reconsidered, you are probably worried about the length of time that the process will take. Thankfully, reconsiderations rarely take as long as regular initial claims. However, there are several factors that will influence the length of this process. This article will walk you through the process and give you an idea of how long your case may take to be reconsidered.
There are three main reasons that your reconsideration may take longer or may be processed faster. First, this process depends largely on how long it takes for all of the appropriate documents to get to the individual responsible for reconsidering your case. If your medical documents get to the examiner at different times, you can expect that your case will not even begin the reconsideration process until your last document arrives. In order to speed up this process, you may want to ensure (and double check) that all of your documents are sent on time, to the right place, and that they do so quickly.
The process does, however, depend on other factors too. If the examiner is personally too overworked with other cases, you may find that your reconsideration takes a bit longer. There is no way to know exactly what might be delaying the process on a personal end, but these are real people examining your case, and there are personal issues that do come up.
Finally, there is the matter of special circumstances. Depending on your particular case, your case might see an expedited reconsideration process. This can occur when the individual suffered a major medical trauma recently or a number of other reasons. In order to learn if you might be deserving of an expedited reconsideration, you should speak to a professional SSDI lawyer. Of the SSDI lawyers in Cleveland, Ohio, the professionals at jamesmitchellbrown.com are equipped to help clients whose social security disability insurance is up for reconsideration.