Hiring A Drug Possession Lawyer Is One Of The Best Things A Defendant Can Do

by | Jan 18, 2016 | Legal Services


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Those who have been arrested for drug crimes need to hire a drug possession lawyer as soon as possible. It can be argued that a call to a lawyer is the first call that a person should make after being arrested. People who have been arrested for drug possession have to understand that being arrested doesn’t always mean charges will follow; if a lawyer is contacted immediately after an arrest, the lawyer can start to work on the case before charges are officially filed. Getting released without being charged can be a huge relief for a person arrested for a drug crime.

Hiring Addair Thurston Chtd. or another drug possession lawyer can help to deal with the situation if a person is charged with a drug crime. Defendants should know that drug charges need to be taken very seriously, because even misdemeanor drug charges can negatively affect a person’s life for years to come. Employers run background checks and look for certain crimes. Drug crimes are considered bad for a few reasons: first, if a person has a drug habit, that individual might steal to support it. Second, drug addiction can make a person unreliable. Third, an individual who is using drugs might hang around people who are trouble, and last but not least, it shows that an individual might not respect the law.

Fortunately, things don’t have to be all doom and gloom for people charged with drug crimes. Lawyers can look for holes in cases that can help to get cases dismissed. In some cases, police officers don’t follow proper procedures, or they might obtain evidence illegally. If an arrest results from illegally-obtained evidence, a lawyer can move to have the case dismissed. There are also times when the evidence simply isn’t that great. If witnesses are involved, lawyers can work to discredit witness testimony, especially if the witness is getting special treatment from the prosecutor to testify against the defendant.

Defendants in drug cases don’t have to let convictions haunt them for the rest of their lives. With the help of lawyers, they can fight to get the best results possible. You can olso follow them on Twitter!

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