Facts about Drunk Driving in Ottawa County, MI

by | Oct 19, 2012 | Law


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In the event that one is stopped for drunk driving in Ottawa County, the best solution is to contact a drunk driving attorney as soon as possible. In Ottawa County, drunk driving charges are called Operating While Intoxicated, or OWI. Drunk driving laws in Michigan include driving under the influence of either alcohol or drugs. The Michigan Drunk Driving Law states that it is illegal to drive if the person operating the vehicle is under the influence of alcohol, if the person operates a vehicle with a bodily alcohol level of .08 or higher, or if a minor’s bodily alcohol level is .02 or higher. There is an additional charge of drunk driving if a driver’s bodily alcohol level is .17 or higher. An OWI or drunk driving should be seriously considered and the person charged in Ottawa County should seek the legal advice of a drunk driving attorney.

A first offense drunk driver in Ottawa County will be suspended for six months and the driver can qualify for a restricted license after the first 30 days.

Penalties for drunk driving in Ottawa County include a monetary fine and can include jail time; community service; license suspension for 30 days, followed by restrictions for 150 days; immobilization of vehicle; ignition interlock; points added to driver’s record; and driver responsibility fee for two years. Other issues that may be considered at a drunk driving sentencing in Ottawa County include possible injury to others, the amount of alcohol in the driver, whether or not there was an accident, a hit-and-run, and cooperation with the police.

Repeat drunk driving offenders in Ottawa County may be severely treated; these offenders may want to strongly consider the legal help of a successful attorney. The District Court considers factors such as length of time since the previous offense, age, and the facts of the current case when determining a verdict for repeat offenders. It is likely that a repeat drunk driving offender could be facing time in jail.

In the event that one is stopped at night due to drunk driving, one has the right to call an attorney in Ottawa County. In the meantime, one should present driver’s license, proof of insurance, and registration, and conduct oneself politely. One should not admit to anything, including coordination tests; try to talk one’s way out of being charged; or discuss consumption of alcoholic beverages.

If you are charged with an OWI offense in Ottawa County, contact a drunk driving attorney who understands Driving Under the Influence law and who can suitably defend you in court in order to secure the best possible outcome for you.

If you’re looking for the services of an expert drunk driving attorney in Ottawa County, consult LaGrand & Lowery, PLLC. Our attorneys understand drinking and driving laws in Ottawa County and are well-equipped to defend you in court to obtain the best possible outcome for you. If you are facing a drunk driving charge, let us represent you. Contact LaGrand & Lowery, PLLC for a free initial phone consultation at (616) 356-1770 or visit www.lagrandlaw.com.

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