Seeking Automobile Accident Attorneys in Alton, IL to Help with Lawsuit

by | May 18, 2018 | Lawyers


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Those who are injured in automobile accidents are usually not happy with their outcome. This is usually because, in addition to the factor of the automobile insurance companies’ involvement, the person has to be able to prove that the injury sustained was severe enough to warrant a lawsuit. Automobile accident attorneys in Alton, IL advise and represent clients whose injuries in automobile accidents cause them to file a personal injury lawsuit. Here are some things injured parties should be aware of concerning automobile accident law in Illinois.

Understanding Automobile Accident Law in Illinois

An injured party who wants to file a personal injury lawsuit for a car accident or any other personal injury must realize the statute of limitations in Illinois is two years from the date of the accident and injury. If the lawsuit is not filed in a civil court during that time, the injured party should not expect the case to be heard. The chance to be awarded damages will also be gone, so the injured party should keep the deadline in mind.

More About Automobile Accident Law in Illinois

Illinois also employs the comparative fault rule to the degree that the injured party may lose a percentage of the damages awarded. If it is found that the injured party is 50% or more at fault, no damages will be awarded to them, which could be devastating for the injured claimant. The claimant needs to get an attorney who will be able to fight the comparative fault claim and successfully get the client damages.

Attorneys in Illinois Who Can Help

There are many attorneys throughout Illinois who help clients with personal injury lawsuits, providing contact information on the internet. The Law Office of Keith Short is an example of an attorney in Alton, Illinois that provides responsible representation for clients pursuing a lawsuit. This law office is available for anyone in need of a consultation with automobile accident attorneys in Alton, IL.

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